Güncelleme Tarihi: 05 April 2018

Visitors: 2119

Your First Day at BANU


Inform the International Relations Office by group e-mail Erasmus-erasmus@bandirma.edu.tr

Obtain telephone cards from the Post Office for international calls

Inform home and your home university that you have arrived safely

Meet your Departmental Erasmus Coordinator at department and revise your Learning Agreement

Take your passport, 2 photos and “Student Identification Form” with you and go to the Registrars Office and see Mr. Mustafa Parlak to get your student ID number, also your official letter to apply for residential permit.

Attend the Orientation Week for new incoming Erasmus students organized by the International Relations Office

Have your papers ready for your residence permit. The requirements will be announced during orientation week.

Get your Official Letter from the Registrar’s Office which is required by the Immigration Office to apply for your residence permit.

Apply for your residence permit at the Immigration Office within 4 weeks of your arrival

Get your residential permit on the date given by the Authorities.

If you need to make any changes on your Learning Agreement, you have to do it in 3 weeks. Please bring one copy to the International Relations Office