Güncelleme Tarihi: 05 April 2018

Visitors: 2036

ECTS Acknowledgement

ECTS credits are determined based on the work load of the courses semester wide. All the courses meet the requirements of Bologna Process including the allocation of credits according to the all academic load( actual course hours, workloads for midterm examinations, quizzes, homework, projects and reading assigments) of the courses. General requirements of the qualifications as as follows:

A full time academic semester of all level studies consists of 30 ECTS,

Short Cycle (Associate Degree), requires 2 academic years, 4 semesters 120 ECTS,

First Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)requires 4 academic years, 8 semesters 240 ECTS,

Second Cycle (Master Degree) requires 2 academic years, 4 semesters 120 ECTS,

Third Cycle (Doctoral Degree) requires 3 academic years,6 semesters 180 ECTS

Grading scheme and grades:

The final grade is determined as an average of the midterm and the final exams. The midterm and the final exams contribute 40% and 60% to the final grade, respectively. A final grade of minimum 60 is to be considered successful in a course. Final grades are converted to the letter gardes according to the given below.

Single Letter GradeDouble Letter Grade Coefficient GradeEvaluation

A-AA 4,00 90-100 Excellent

A-BA 3,50 85-89 Very Good

B-BB 3,00 80-84 Good

B-CB 2,50 70-79 Satisfactory

C-CC 2,00 60-69 Sufficient

C-DC 1,50 55-59 Conditional Pass

D-DD 1,00 45-54 Fail

F-FF 0,00 Under 45

E-FE 00 DZ Not Attended