- Language and Recognition Policy
Güncelleme Tarihi: 05 April 2018
Visitors: 2025
Language and Recognition Policy
Language Policy
Language preparation is a crucial element to ensure success in mobility outcomes (staff / student satisfaction, coping with everyday challenges and pressure during the study / training period and improved exam success rates). With this purpose in mind, students are subjected to a language proficiency test. All participants are required to have a minimum required profiency level. After election period, the selected students will have orientation programme and in this programme they will take English courses.
Recognition Policy
The ECTS is applied in academic recognition. All the credits that the student earns during the mobility period and which were originally agreed on in the Learning Agreement are fully recognized as an integral part of the student's degree programe. Credit transfer is done with the same e-recognition procedure as with learning acquired elsewhere.The DS is issued to the student incl. a record of the mobility period.
Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University ensures full academic recognition and students’ study period abroad replaces a comparable period of their studies. Academic records of the outgoing students are tracked by the Erasmus Office.
“Learning Agreement” and the “Recognition Sheet” are prepared based on the course plan and approved by the Department Erasmus Coordinator before the student leaves. After completion of studies, academic records sent by accepting institutions are delivered to the relevant academic units. Recognition of the courses are done via academic board decisions in accordance with the recognition documents prepared beforehand. Two copies of these documents are prepared and sent to the Registrar’s Office and to the Erasmus Office.
BANU provides the sending institution and the incoming mobile students with a Transcript of Records (title of the course unit, duration of the course unit, local grade and ECTS credits) within a month after the end of mobility